A waxy molecule called cholesterol is present in blood and is necessary for the synthesis of healthy cells. The reason cholesterol has a bad reputation today is that it raises the risk of heart disease. But it's crucial to remember that excess fat raises the chance of developing heart disease.
Furthermore, having too much fat not only harms your heart but also your eyes. Xanthelasma, a tiny, yellowish fat deposit in the skin around your eyes, is one of the most typical ways fat can harm your eyes. According to medical professionals, it mainly manifests in the eyelids.
What takes place when "bad" fat builds up in the eyes? There are three basic indications that your eyes have "bad" fat. They consist of: - Depositions of white, grey, and yellow around the cornea - Vision blur - Eyelid lumps that are yellow The early detection of these signs is advised by experts. Additionally, doctors claim that these symptoms frequently result in serious eye issues.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common disorder that damages the centre of your vision, according to England's National Health Service. According to the health agency, AMD, which is more common among adults in their 50s and 60s, may not result in complete blindness but can make skills like recognising and recognising faces challenging. According to experts, the accumulation of small yellow fatty lipid deposits on the retina might lead to drusen damage.
Retinal Neuropathy
What Is It? Retinal vein occlusion is a different eye ailment that may develop as a result of "poor" fat in the retina. The thin layer of tissue at the back of your eyes is called the retina. It transforms light into messages that the brain can then process into vision. Retinal vein occlusion is brought on when a neuron in the retina becomes obstructed and develops tumours. Blindness that is both temporary and partial may result from the removal of some blinds. Some people, however, can develop irreversible blindness.
Argus, Corneal The cornea, the delicate, transparent portion of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber, is another ailment to be on the lookout for. When fat accumulates along the border of the cornea, a condition known as corneal arcus, also known as arcus senilis in older individuals or arcus juvenile in those under 40, takes place. It is a lipid buildup on the periphery of the cornea. These lipids are made up of phospholipids and triglycerides in addition to fat.
Pains & Aches Associated with High Cholesterol The majority of high cholesterol instances are asymptomatic and are only discovered during a standard check-up. However, too much fat can result in a number of illnesses that can signal the existence of disease. Your chance of developing peripheral arterial disease is increased by extra fat because it can damage your arteries by encouraging plaque buildup in the arteries (PAD).
The arteries in your arms and legs are impacted by this condition, commonly known as atherosclerosis. Intermittent claudication, which results in leg cramps that start when you're moving but don't happen when you're resting, is the primary sign of PAD. This is a reference to a blood flow obstruction brought on by an artery's fatty plaque accumulating.
What ought you to do?
Experts claim that a nutritious diet, adequate hydration, and exercise can avoid cholesterol. Heart doctors advise eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables because they contain antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamins C and E that lower blood pressure, clotting risk, and cholesterol levels. In addition, specialists advise staying away from red meat, consuming at least 1.5 litres of water each day, and working out.
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