Acupuncture to cure BP |
Blood pressure, or BP, is something that everyone over the age of 35 should be concerned about.
When our blood pressure is above (140) when our heart is beating and above (90) when our heart is not beating, we have high blood pressure, according to the medical system.
The quantity of salt in the body, the amount of water in the body, the level of the kidneys, and the level of other hormones all affect blood pressure.
People with the proper blood pressure are less likely to experience serious adverse effects. High blood pressure can be caused by both hereditary and environmental factors.
Changing the state of one's daily living environment can help to reduce high blood pressure. Overweight people have high blood pressure, which puts a lot of strain on their hearts. As a result, blood pressure will be abnormally high. As a result, the majority of people can find a solution to their high blood pressure problem by decreasing weight.
High-stress levels can also be caused by excessive smoking, drinking, or insomnia.
Changing dietary habits is slightly useful.
Acupuncture points can help you get rid of your high blood pressure for good!
With your index or thumb, press the acupuncture points listed below.
GV20, ST 36, LIV 3, LIV 2, SP 6, UB23 are acupuncture sites.
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